Dylan’s Blog

Hello! I am Dylan (MidnightSlicer). Welcome to my blog! This is my place to be on the internet. My home. Welcome in! This site basically contains my personal thoughts and ideas that I want to write down. I find writing to be therapeutic and it encourages creativity.

I am a software developer. I have not fully established my place in the world, but I like mobile development as well as server-side stuff. I am a open source software enthusiast and I want to spread the message of software freedom and security to everyone.

This site is still under active development!

I want to add a few more sections to this site, but this is my starting point. Realistically, I don’t think I will ever remove this section. Do you know a software developer and computer lover who can leave something be? I certainly don’t. I am currently using WordPress to make this site, but I started out using the barf template. I will continue to change this site as I see fit.

  • mnsr.win is on WordPress Now!

    Well here it is! I finally moved my website to a different system. I have been wanting to move to something other than barf for a while now. Barf is a great way to throw up a super simple website. But, I want to build this website out with some educational resources and guides. Stuff…

  • How to setup a Password Manager

    If you want to know more about password managers, read my post about them here. In this post, I am going to show you how to set up Bitwarden as your password manager. This guide can be applied to any desktop browser and pretty much any password manager. Your screen will likely look different than…

  • Cybersecurity is Important — Password Managers can Help

    If you just want to know how to set up a password manager, go read my post here. Cybersecurity is a very popular topic these days. With companies making the news almost every week having some sort of data leak or cyber attack, it is a subject one should rightfully be concerned about. Unfortunately, most…

  • Spooky Software

    Well, it is October, the month that some people celebrate “Halloween” and dress up spooky. While I do not really like the those celebrations and don’t participate I will use the “Spooky Month” excuse to talk about spooky software. What is “Spooky Software”? Spooky Software is any application, service, or other software that does not…

  • The Darktheme Club [Outdated]

    Previously, I talked about joining the 512kb club and I mostly spoke on the attractiveness and art of making a small (in size, not in value) website. I argued that a better web is one where the user is not required to download several megabytes of bloated JS frameworks and spyware (which is a type…

  • Joining The 512KB Club [Outdated]

    I am a bit of a nerd for optimization. It is always satisfying to me when I am able to shave a fifth of a second off some operation or trivial task. I am the physical embodiment of spending 5 hours to save time on a 5 minute task. It is just so rewarding to…

  • My Experience with Computers

    Since I am just getting started on this blog thing, I should talk about a little bit of history of me and computers. Windows XP My first time using a computer for real was on an old Windows XP workstation that was liberated from a dumpster. It was (and still is, it is on my…

  • Hello World!

    Welcome to my blog! I have always wanted to have a blog of my own, and that desire was spurred on by my decision to leave social media. I love writing and I needed a place to express that love that was mine. When I became aware of open source, freedom, privacy, and all that…